FÜNFZIGZWANZIG, Residenzplatz 10, 2.OG, 5020 Salzburg, 27 July- 9 September 2017
EXHIBITION LABORATORY, Merimiehenkatu 36 C, 00150, Helsinki, 28 November –12 December 2018
Curated by Ana de Almeida & Stephanie Misa
This is a project about landscape as formal and informal disposition of elements. Coordinates.
An arrangement, a hierarchy: borders and de-limitations, transpositions and transgressions,
frames and their inside-outside, margins, and of course landscape—of the geographical, political,
personal, and emotional nature.
Edouard Glissant’s Traité du Tout-Monde. (Poétique IV), calls it archipelagic thinking,
a group of islands that lends its topography to an alternative imaginary:
a reassessment of the insularity of bound cultures, of nation-states, and the heaviness
of “continental thought”. The archipelago is an alternative imaginary, one that posits that
identity could be as a conglomeration of islands (composed of many, yet is one).
Oh these little earthquakes, here we go again, these little earthquakes.
Doesn’t take much to rip us into pieces.
(Tori Amos' Little Earthquakes)
Identity formation, embodiment, complex colonial histories, evolution, interconnectedness,
diaspora and change— Oh to dispell the oppressive idea of nationalistic wholeness!
This is a project about landscape.
Artists at Galerie 5020, Salzburg: Meriç Algün (TK/SWE), Ana de Almeida (PT/AT), Martha Atienza (PH/NL), Ann Böttcher (SWE), Amy Croft (UK), Sara Deraedt (BE), Isidora Krstic (SRB/AT), Stephanie Misa (PH/ AT)
Photos: 5020/Rauchenbichler
Artists at ExLab, Helsinki: Jay Mar Albaos (PH/FI), Sherine Anis (EG/AT), Martha Atienza (PH/NL), Katrin Hornek (AT), Henna Laininen (FI), Roberta Lima (AT/BR/FI), Linda Reif (AT), Jaakko Ruuska (FI), Stefania Strouza (GR/AT), Sophie Hirsch (AT/ US)
Photos: Petri Summanen/Arttu Stoor