The Diamond (Princess) is Forever (10"18') is a video installation by Stephanie Misa
James Clar, & Multiple Spirits (Mika Maruyama & Mai Endo)
The Diamond Princess and the Titanic are oracles, mysterious artifacts from a parallel plane foretelling this planet’s future. Have we failed to listen? Will you listen now?
In late January 2020 an outbreak of the Covid-19 started spreading through the Diamond Princess (of the Princess Lines) cruise ship. This response to the outbreak onboard the curse ship became a harbinger of things to come on a global scale.
The Diamond (Princess) Is Forever combines social media footage, news clips, 3D renderings, archival film and various outtakes of the Diamond Princess, and the Titanic. The Vera List Center video screening included a zoom performance of the University of the Philippines Cebu, whilst the HAUS iteration was a video installation in a booth.
HAUS 21-27 September 2020, Kobelgasse 3, 1110 Vienna.
Vera List Center for Art and Politics: Seminar 3: Bring Forth the Body: Biopower, Protocol, and Plagues16 November, 6pm-8pm EST
Speakers include Anthony Ryan Hatch, sociologist and Associate Professor and Chair of the Science in Society Program at Wesleyan University; Ronak K. Kapadia, Associate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago; and Jasbir Puar, theorist and Professor and Graduate Director of Women’s and Gender Studies at Rutgers University. Artists Stephanie Misa and James Clar screen a new video that considers biopolitics and protocols of cruise ships, as they played out in the early days of the pandemic.
See a short trailer here.
photo credits: Esel and Stephanie Misa